Category: Mobile

Unlocked Canadian iPhone 4 reviewed

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

We’re happy to report that so far, we’ve not seen the iPhone 4 signal bars go down during normal use. We did squeeze the bejesus out of it just to see if we could replicate the attenuation and we did manage to bring down two bars, but we were squeezing it with unnatural force.

Wind Mobile, Mobilicity challenge Rogers budget prepaid brand ‘Chatr’

Text and photo by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Wind Mobile, together with Mobilicity and Public Mobile are new entrants in the wireless game and have been trying to compete with the big three by offering more affordable handsets and prepaid plans. Rogers Wireless also owns Fido and Chatr will be its third wireless cellular company.

Virgin Mobile’s HTC Legend: The unibody Android

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

An added plus is that the HTC Legend runs on the sweet looking Sense UI that offers up widgets and updates for news, weather and social media all atop of the Android OS. These widgets are intuitive, non-obtrusive and stylishly render as much information on the screen without looking too busy.

iPhone 4 comes to Canada on July 30, bumper included

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
iPhone 4 has sold three million units since its June release and is considered by Apple as its most successful product. Jobs stressed that since the reports of problems with the iPhone 4 came out, Apple has “been working our butts off,” to rectify the situation.

Review: Sony Ericsson Xperia X10

Text and photos by Ted Kritsonis

Sony Ericsson’s first true foray into the cutthroat smartphone wars is a solid effort that, despite using an older version of Android, still proves to be a capable device that offers some promise of what will be possible moving forward if proper improvements are made.

Will Canada get a better iPhone 4?

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

For once, it seems Canadians can be thankful that a hot tech product launch has been delayed because it seems we dodged a bullet. We’re talking about the iPhone 4, which is expected to be launched “in the coming weeks,” by Bell, Rogers, Telus and Virgin Mobile but which has also been caught in an unprecedented whirlwind of bad press and controversy in the US and europe.

Samsung N220: A typical netbook with extra-long battery life

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Samsung’s a bit newer to the game than older players like MSI, ASUS, Dell and Toshiba but it can be considered a true contender when you look at their N220 netbook that’s got the features everyone else has got but offers twice the battery power in nearly the same size.

iPhone 4: What you need to know

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

It’s June and there are long lines of people forming around Apple Stores across the US, UK, France, Germany and Japan which can only mean one thing. It is the iPhone launch day. We’ve got reports from the field, initial impressions and some surprising revelations. Here are 10 things you need to know about the iPhone 4.