Search Results for: recruitment

Free HR Software & An Opportunity to Reskill

By Yasmin Ranade
Earlier this spring, HR-Tech start-up Thrive announced it would provide for free its career software and services – typically offered through large companies – to Canadian individuals affected by the Covid-19 crisis.

First Global HR Conference Presented in Virtual Reality

By Yasmin Ranade
Global HR Summit, taking place September 8-10, 2020., will be the world’s first HR conference to be offered in Virtual Reality. With work transitioning away from physical sites in favour of working from home, the Global HR Summit will showcase immersive workplace (XR) technologies that enable digital transformation and make workplaces more human-centric.

Canadian Tech Inspired to Close Gaps

By Yasmin Ranade
Melinda Gates launched a movement called #EqualityCantWait to break down barriers standing in the way of women. Further, research shows that there are critical career mid-career milestones where women drop off the management track.

AI: Job Threat or Promotion Opportunity?

By Yasmin Ranade
AI is ubiquitous. Businesses are swarming to develop and apply AI applications, in almost every industry. Are employees just as eager to embrace AI?

Google Hire Automates Recruitment Tasks for G Suite Customers

By Yasmin Ranade
Hire is a recruiting app that helps G Suite customers manage recruitment tasks. It launched in the US in July 2017, and is now available in Canada and the UK. I asked Dmitri Krakovsky, VP Google Cloud, how Hire works and if Hire is a recruitment disruptor.

Digital Factors Heavily in HR Hiring Trends

By Yasmin Ranade
Tech solutions are increasingly important in an industry that is becoming more and more accountable for the hiring decisions made by clients.