Tech-focused Tax-filing options for self-employed Canadians
By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
A recent TurboTax Canada study found that nearly half of all Canadians are not comfortable filing their own taxes
By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
A recent TurboTax Canada study found that nearly half of all Canadians are not comfortable filing their own taxes
by Lee Rickwood
Million Short entered the search space by offering a new search engine that gives users filters and functions not available from the large, dominant search providers.
By Christine Persaud
The smartphone can actually be a key tool in not only providing a means for you to reach out to first responders in the event of an emergency, but also to provide them with pertinent details when you aren’t in a capacity to do so.
by Lee Rickwood
“We can outsmart traffic together” is a rallying cry for users of traffic and navigation apps like Waze, and the programs in place to share crowd-sourced data with cities around the world.
by Lee Rickwood
At a tech industry event being staged in Toronto, more than a dozen product developers and exhibitors are showing off wearables with a difference.
By Christine Persaud
Smartphone addiction is a real thing. According to Psychology Today, there’s even a name for the anxiety you feel if you lose sight of your phone: nomophobia. And while many of us might think we don’t fall into that category, the Moment app provides a potentially terrifying glimpse into how often you’re actually glued to your smartphone screen.
by Lee Rickwood
In the Summit spotlight were a number of Canadian technologies set to turn the global energy, environment, healthcare, citizenship and financial sectors upside-down.
By Christine Persaud
What are the best apps to turn to when you want to connect with clients, colleagues, and employees, both inside the office and out? Here are 4 great options to consider.