Technology Helps Decode Genetic History, Climb Family Tree
by Lee Rickwood
Online technology helps family history sleuths separate DNA into parental sides using big data in web-based network.
by Lee Rickwood
Online technology helps family history sleuths separate DNA into parental sides using big data in web-based network.
By Yasmin Ranade
In today’s world, if a teenager identifies an interest in a tech career, to be successful in tech at a global level requires an entrepreneurial mindset. Schools have a unique opportunity to adapt to the 21st century and expose teens to new career possibilities in tech, while developing the mindsets to be successful in this new industry,
by Lee Rickwood
Despite concerns over upcoming breaches, Canada is actually more prepared to handle cybersecurity risks than other countries.
by Lee Rickwood
Diamond miner De Beers wants to get 10,000 women and girls in STEM and achieve gender parity across its workforce by 2030.
by Lee Rickwood
From 2018 to 2020, the share of Canadians classified as advanced Internet users increased noticeably. The upward shift was most evident among people aged 50 or older.
By Yasmin Ranade
Knowledge Society (TKS) is a 10-month, global innovation program for driven and curious students aged between 13-17. Acceptance into the Calgary-born program, which is modelled after learning environments from Stanford, Harvard, and MIT, is rigorous and only those youth that want to make an impact in the world are selected
Employee monitoring and workplace surveillance means big business. It may also mean big brother. Employee monitoring lets organizations track the activities of employees and gather information that helps drive productivity and boost security. With an uptick in the number of…
by Lee Rickwood
One in five Canadians have experienced some form of online hate, yet online safety ultimately means so much more than taking down or blocking harmful content.