Grocery Shopping in a Pandemic: Can More Tech Help Out?
by Lee Rickwood
Can so-called smart surveillance tools like biometrics and facial recognition make shopping safer?
by Lee Rickwood
Can so-called smart surveillance tools like biometrics and facial recognition make shopping safer?
by Lee Rickwood
What is a bit surprising and very inspiring is that the founder of the company never really set out to start a business – she set out to solve a problem.
by Lee Rickwood
Is privacy paramount? Either something is more important than anything else, or it isn’t. Canada’s legislators and privacy commissioners need to determine which.
By Christine Persaud
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many employers are allowing staff to work from home. For some, this was a usual occurrence since many companies have been trialing flexible schedules over the last few years anyway. But for some, it’s a complete departure from the norm, and a lot to wrap your head around.
by Lee Rickwood
Technology is turning the quaint old vending machine into a powerful smart retailing system, driven by big data analytics and, cloud connectivity.
by Lee Rickwood
Smart home security systems are ringing alarms among privacy advocates and security experts.
by Lee Rickwood
Baseball’s back: adaptive technology can be used to tell a batter that a pitch is coming; scandalously, some have used technology to tell what pitch it is.
By Christine Persaud
Chances are that with uncertainty around the coronavirus, many families will be opting for a staycation this upcoming March Break. This means many a parent will be hitting their computers to Google terms like “what to do for March Break,” or “March Break local activities.” There are useful ways you can leverage tech to help figure out what to do while the kids are home from school and you’ve taken some time off work.