Category: Business

Holy Fake News! Pope Tackles Distorted Facts on Social Media

Holy Fake News! Pope Tackles Distorted Facts on Social Media

by Lee Rickwood
We may be our own last line of defence against fake news and purposeful social manipulation. That puts our media literacy, cognitive skills and critical thinking abilities to a real test. Severely tested, too, will be our economic skills and abilities. Fake news is cheap; real information and investigative journalism is expensive.

Smartphones for Both Work and Play

By Christine Persaud
Rather then provide employees with smartphones, small businesses are allowing customers to use their own devices for work purposes and, if necessary, adding security measures to ensure that important work files can be safely accessed from them remotely. It’s a strategy known as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD).

5 Hot Tech Gifts for the Fashionable Businessperson

By Christine Persaud
Bringing fashion into your work day isn’t just about having well-shined shoes and nicely-pressed shirts – it’s also about using fashionable tech to match. So it’s no surprise that plenty of functional tech products are being designed with high fashion and style in mind.

The Latest Innovations in Printing

By Christine Persaud
In a day and age when social media has taken over, one might think that physical prints are on the decline. But to the contrary, we still desire to have something tangible. Just ask any parent who spends an arm and a leg for school photos of their children. Art projects and scrapbooking remain a popular pastime. As with books, vinyl records, and other mediums we can touch and feel, prints are making a comeback.