Author Archives: Christine Persaud

Microsoft Teams For Families: Should You Use It?

By Christine Persaud
A competitor to video chatting services like Zoom and internal online team communication tools like Slack, it is the choice of many companies, both big and small.

5 Ways To Secure Your Phone’s Lock Screen: Which Is Best?

By Christine Persaud
Pretty much every phone has a screen lock of some kind that ensures someone passing by can’t swipe your phone and easily log into it to see your private photos, sensitive work information, or personal financial details. While the old four-digit passcode is still being used these days, there are many other ways you can secure a mobile device. What are they and which is best?

Companies Helping You Enjoy Travel Experiences From Home

By Christine Persaud
Just because we’re all stuck at home during social distancing doesn’t mean we can’t travel. Well, technically it does. But there are plenty of cool ways to bring venues and experiences to your home thanks to several companies offering virtual visits, tours, classes, and more.

From Big Sur to iPadOS: Highlights From Apple WWDC20

By Christine Persaud
In late June, Apple held its annual Worldwide Developer’s Conference (WWDC) and, for the first time, presented it virtually. Missed the stream? Here’s a synopsis of the key announcements made at the event.

6 New Premium Smartphones Worth Checking Out

By Christine Persaud
Now might be a good time to upgrade to a new smartphone. And if you’re in the market for a premium device that will help you more easily work from home, there are plenty of new options from which to choose.

Tech Gifts for Grads

By Christine Persaud
This year more than ever, graduates need a pick-me-up. Because of the coronavirus pandemic and stay-at-home orders, they won’t be enjoying the typical graduation ceremonies and gatherings with family and friends. Here are some great tech gift ideas along with how you can personalize them so they aren’t just useful gifts but also touching and sentimental gestures.

Great Tech Gift Ideas For Father’s Day That Dad Can Use at Home

By Christine Persaud
This Father’s Day, even if dad is still considered essential and working outside of the house, he will be spending a lot more time than usual at home. With social distancing rules still in place throughout Canada, and likely to continue to Father’s Day, dad will be looking for ways to keep himself entertained at home. So what can you get him? Here are some ideas.

Tech Gear to Set Up a Backyard Office

By Christine Persaud
For those who are working from home, the nice weather can make it tempting to slack off. When you’re in an office, you are stuck in that office. But in your own home? If you’re like me, you might like to move the home office outside every now and then to get some sun. But what gear do you need to allow this to happen?