Author Archives: Ted Kritsonis

Reviewing the Essential Phone

By Ted Kritsonis

As a newcomer to the constant battle among smartphone manufacturers for relevance, Essential looks to pry away a few hands from others in the flagship price point.

Reviewing the Tile Sport and Tile Style

By Ted Kritsonis

Losing something valuable or important is a harrowing feeling, and with so much technology available today, it should be possible to track items. The Tile Sport and Style are designed to offer that kind of peace of mind.

Back to school rate plans for your smartphone

By Ted Kritsonis

It’s that time again. With students set to go back to school, wireless carriers are trying to woo them with rate plans aimed at cost-efficiency. But which ones are worth checking out?

Reviewing the Sony Xperia XA1 and Xperia XA1 Ultra

By Ted Kritsonis

Flying under the radar is Sony’s penchant these days, as it continues to try gaining traction with smartphone users, this time with the mid-range Xperia XA1 and Xperia XA1 Ultra.

Reviewing the Sphero Ultimate Lightning McQueen and Spider-Man toys

By Ted Kritsonis

App-based toys are interesting when witnessing kids interact with them. Add popular characters to the mix, and the interaction could become all the more invested, which is really what Sphero’s Ultimate Lightning McQueen and Spider-Man toys are about.

Reviewing the Motorola Moto Z2 Play

By Ted Kritsonis
The Moto Z2 Play is one of the few smartphones that can be augmented by add-ons, or Mods, that click onto the back, physically enhancing a certain feature on the device itself. Is there enough in this device to get people connected to the wider ecosystem?