5 Ways to Pay From Your Phone
By Christine Persaud
A report from Catalyst indicated that 33% of Canadian consumers planned to make more mobile payments in 2016 than they did in 2015. Naturally, the proposed adoption was highest among millennials.
By Christine Persaud
A report from Catalyst indicated that 33% of Canadian consumers planned to make more mobile payments in 2016 than they did in 2015. Naturally, the proposed adoption was highest among millennials.
by Lee Rickwood
No, sun and rain are not obsolete; neither are they constant and reliable around the globe or across this country. So innovative ideas and new technologies are changing the economic – and geographic – factors of farming.
By Christine Persaud
Canada has long been a hotbed for technological innovation. In the technology space alone, Canada is responsible for the BlackBerry, the telephone, the walkie-talkie, IMAX, the cardiac pacemaker, and alkaline batteries, among other highly influential products.
By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
The problem faced by Silicon Valley, and really, any series or movie focused on tech personalities and companies (insert any of the failed and inaccurate Steve Jobs biopics here), is that it is difficult to make audiences care for the products or technologies being discussed or featured unless they’re total fanboys.
by Lee Rickwood
The awards are meant to inspire us all to embrace innovation, and to celebrate those entrepreneurs who use technology to solve problems in sectors like healthcare and education.
By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
Using Continuum, the HP Elite X3 can run version of Windows Desktop on an accessory laptop or, more practically, on a connected monitor, keyboard and mouse. While this is really cool in theory, the reality is that the HP Elite X3 doesn’t run any classic Windows Apps, only what the company is calling Universal Windows Apps which are available via their App Store.
By Yasmin Ranade
Today, Google Canada revealed the national winner and three grade group winners of this year’s Doodle 4 Google contest. Of those four masterpieces, 11th-grader Jana Sofia Panem’s Doodle, “A Bright Future” was selected as the national winner!
The BlackBerry KEYone is designed for productivity and messaging. Android 7.1 coexists nicely with BlackBerry’s own apps. DTek ensures the phone is secure and encrypted, BlackBerry HUB funnels all your messaging and social media into one smart app and other apps (Notable, Password Keeper, Contacts, Tasks and Workplaces) are truly useful.