Category: Mobile

Find My iPhone: A true story of how this app got a stolen iPhone back

By Ted Kritsonis

Apple’s Find My iPhone is one of those lifesaving apps for your iPhone that you hope you never have to use, but in the chance you do, you hope it pulls off miracles. In what was a very personal story for me, I recount how I was able to help track down the thief who stole a friend’s iPhone this past New Years Eve.

Unlocking phones: what Canada’s carriers will and won’t do

By Ted Kritsonis

Phone unlocking is always one of those hot-button issues when it comes to mobile freedom, but most consumers buy their phones subsidized by the carriers through contracts. These phones are locked to their respective carriers, making it difficult to use them as leverage to leave for another provider.

Five Social Media business trends for 2012

By Hessie Jones

As the Cluetrain Manifesto states, “Markets are now conversations.” The voice of the individual can multiply into the voice of the majority, easily drowning out the corporate voice.