Category: Mobile

Telus cuts data roaming rates by 50%

By Ted Kritsonis

In a somewhat surprising move, Telus is moving forward with plans to halve the rates the carrier charges for data roaming. This means a 50 percent reduction from the average of $25 subscribers had been paying up to this point.

Motorola’s DEFY Android smartphone is built tough

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Water resistant, dust-proof and scratch proof. No, this isn’t the latest Casio G-Shock watch, it is Motorola Mobility’s diminutive mobile marvel, the DEFY Android smartphone.

Big update to Windows Phone OS and new handsets coming this Fall

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

At the Windows Phone VIP preview today, Microsoft revealed a number of new handset makers building Windows Phone 7 devices and highlighted some of the newer features coming to their smartphone OS though the new Mango revision.

Google Reader tablet apps aggregate news on the fly

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

One of Google’s most underrated services is their free RSS news feed aggregator Google Reader. We look at the most impressive tablet apps that interface with Google Reader.