Category: Trending

iPhone 4S – the start of something big?

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple’s new iPhone 4S may be seen on the surface as an iterative upgrade to its predecessor, the popular iPhone 4. Same form factor, same screen size but now powered with a faster dial-core Apple A5 processor, much improved graphics performance and slightly faster Internet access speeds. However, it may be the start of something much bigger.

Facebook Revamps: It’s Hot and Cold!

By Hessie Jones

Facebook recently announced a number of important changes. These include Subscribe Button, News Feed Ticker, Smart Lists, the revamped Newsfeed … and the major announcement: Timeline. The announcements were made at Facebook’s F8 Developer Conference in San Francisco in September. I had the chance to see Mark Zuckerberg speak at the conference. Here’s my take on some of these changes…

5 Smartphone features worth looking out for

    By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla More than tablets or even notebooks, smartphones are becoming the most personal technology we have. Small, powerful and always available, smartphones have evolved from being mere communication devices.

Is Motorola’s new RAZR cutting edge enough?

Photos and text by Ted Kritsonis

Motorola’s most popular line of phones, the RAZR, is back, only this time it has to compete in the smartphone realm. Being on hand at Tuesday’s announcement in New York, we tackle the basics on what the new-look RAZR offers and what won’t be crossing the border into Canada.

RIM risks future on unified mobile operating system

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

RIM launched a unified BBX OS for smartphones and for the PlayBook during its DevCon in San Francisco and hopes to entice developers to continue supporting the once dominant smartphone maker.

Netfix expands Canadian library, but competition mounts

By Tim Teatro

Netflix now seems to be addressing the criticisms surrounding its limited content. Earlier this year, Netflix signed a deal with Paramount and is rumoured to be close to closing a deal with Martamax Entertainment. The danger remains for Netflix on the competition front. Aside from YouTube’s new film streaming service, we have been seeing some home-grown Canadian competition forming as well.

3 Photography Apps for iOS

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla The iPhone 4, iPod Touch and  the iPad 2 make convenient photo taking devices. We look at three iOS photo apps that will improve the experience.