Category: Trending

Clever Gift Ideas For Colleagues This Holiday Season

By Christine Persaud
The way we work looks much different than it has in the past,  but chances are you are still working with the same colleagues, And though there won’t be a traditional office party this year, it’s still a nice gesture to get little gifts for your team members, colleagues, and friends at work. But what can you get?

How to Do A Socially Distant Gift Exchange

By Christine Persaud
This holiday season will be like no other. People might not get to see their extended family or close friends for the holidays in order to avoid large gatherings. But there are ways to keep doing the things you love during the holidays from afar. The Secret Santa or Kris Kringle gift exchange is historically a favourite among large families, groups of friends, and business colleagues.

keyboard has digital rights key

New Privacy Laws Coming to Canada

by Lee Rickwood
Under the new Act, Canadians could demand that their information on social media platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter, be permanently deleted. And the country’s privacy commissioner could order them to comply.

LinkedIn Expands A Host of User Features

By Yasmin Ranade
While we continue to work remotely, it is not surprising that LinkedIn has enabled new ways to facilitate virtual professional interaction, while making a variety of enhancements to its offering.

Winter Tire Technology

By Yasmin Ranade
Winter days are here – or will come soon to where you live – so why not learn how technology and chemistry factors into winter tire design?

Tech Gifts For Someone Who Just Picked Up A New Hobby

By Christine Persaud
As we continue to deal with COVID-19, a lot of people have extra time on their hands since they aren’t going out and about after work or on the weekends. And while some are filling it by binge watching TV shows, reorganizing the house, or spending more time with the kids, others have picked up new hobbies.

6 Air Purifiers For Your Home Office

By Christine Persaud
An air purifier is a useful device to have in your home, especially for a home office where you might be spending hours and hours each day. Air purifiers help rid the air of harmful bacteria, dust, dander, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). They can help reduce airborne contaminants, including particles that potentially contain viruses.