Category: Women & Tech

Dell World 2015: Women and Diversity in IT

By Yasmin Ranade
Dell thought leaders and industry professionals recently gathered in Austin, Texas at the annual Dell World event to discuss technology opportunities and challenges, and how they propose to make a lasting difference in business and IT.

New Doll Aims to Teach Young Girls To Love Math & Science

By Christine Persaud

There has been a long list of initiatives aimed at getting more women involved in the S.T.E.M. fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). And it’s no surprise that getting girls interested at a young age can help encourage them to pursue such careers once the time comes. A new toy doll from MGA Entertainment Canada has an interesting idea on how to go about this.

‘Top Woman in Cloud’ to be named this month by CloudNOW

By Yasmin Ranade
In a friendly, pitch-style competition event that will take place on September 24th at Menlo Park, CA (Cuckoo’s Nest Club), CloudNOW will name the winner of the Top Ten Women in Cloud Award. The CloudNOW awards recognize 10 outstanding women in cloud and converging technology.

Tips to Help the Working Woman Unwind During the Summer Months

By Christine Persaud
While work doesn’t stop or, in many industries, even slow down, during the summer months, that doesn’t mean working women shouldn’t take a breather to de-stress and recharge while the weather makes it so darned easy to do so.And yes, technology can actually help make this possible. Here are a few ways how.

Tech Gifts for Ladies to Get Your Dads

By Christine Persaud
very dad, no matter the age, loves some kind of tech, even if he has no idea how to use it.And luckily, there are plenty of tech gadgets that would make great gifts for daughter to give dad, but that won’t break the bank. Here are 5 great options.

Honourable Dr. Kellie Leitch Reveals Program to Increase Economic Opportunities for Women in Canada

By Christine Persaud
The topic of encouraging more women to work in the technology and related fields is a hot one these days, as we experience a shortage of talent to fill needed jobs, and females who may be reluctant to pursue such careers. A new initiative, spearheaded by the Honourable Dr. K. Kellie Leitch, Minister of Labour and Minister of Status of Women, hopes to change that.