Tag: Canadian Business

How workplaces are changing and some creative ways to adapt tech to change

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Despite all these technological leaps, our workspaces have remained constant, unchanged and desperately dated. Clinging on to work habits and realities established decades ago, many offices are cubicle mazes or rows of tables surrounded by artificially lit fixtures.

Better Search Results from Fewer Search Results

Better Search Results from Fewer Search Results

by Lee Rickwood
Million Short entered the search space by offering a new search engine that gives users filters and functions not available from the large, dominant search providers.

Google sets up latest Cloud Region in Montreal

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Google’s first Canadian Cloud region opened in Montreal last week. It joins other Google Cloud Platform (GCP) regions in Oregon, Iowa, South Carolina, Northern Virginia.

Canadian Voices.com Leads Online Marketplace for Voice Casting

By Yasmin Ranade
Stephanie Ciccarelli, Co-Founder and Chief Brand Officer and David Ciccarelli, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, began their business with their respective voice and audio engineering talent, and borrowed books on how to build a website. Today, their Voices.com now leads as the world’s largest online marketplace for voice over talent.