Tag: mobile

Kobo’s lineup of eReaders are meant for everyone and anyone

By Ted Kritsonis

Kobo’s eReader lineup and e-Book store is a solid combination of hardware and software that has proven to be one of the best in the industry. And to hammer that point home, Kobo coasted along for the first 10 months of the year, and then launched four new devices, one of which is a tablet. The idea appears to be that there’s a Kobo for every type of consumer.

Review: Microsoft Surface

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla     Microsoft has just released its iPad competitor the sleek and innovative Surface tablet. Running a derivative of their mobile OS, Surface aims to bring a new entrant into the tablet space.

The art of technology keynotes and product launches

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla It is the season of huge  technology product announcements. How products are unveiled and presented to the public is a critical component towards a product’s long term success.

Drive is Google’s big Cloud Play

  By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla Google Drive – the all encompassing online storage, cloud synching and collaboration tool is now live and goes over and beyond what Google Docs offered.

5 Smartphone features worth looking out for

    By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla More than tablets or even notebooks, smartphones are becoming the most personal technology we have. Small, powerful and always available, smartphones have evolved from being mere communication devices.

Rogers launches LTE network in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver

By Ted Kritsonis

Just shy of three months after launching its first Long Term Evolution (LTE) network in Ottawa in July, Rogers opened the network in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, marking the next three major markets in Canada to get the carrier’s next-generation mobile network before the end of 2011. Users on the network should expect to see speeds more than double what 3G currently offers now.

Developer engagement vital to Mobile OS success

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

How companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft and HP engage and compensate developers on their mobile platforms will eventually determine their long term success.

Rogers rolls out Canada’s first LTE network

Text and photos by Ted Kritsonis

Ottawa is officially “Canada’s fastest city” after Rogers uncorked its high-speed Long Term Evolution (LTE) network in the nation’s capital. The new LTE network will increase download speeds by up to 12Mbps to 25Mbps, more than double what consumers are using now on 3G.