Tag: smart home

Tech Gear to Set Up a Backyard Office

By Christine Persaud
For those who are working from home, the nice weather can make it tempting to slack off. When you’re in an office, you are stuck in that office. But in your own home? If you’re like me, you might like to move the home office outside every now and then to get some sun. But what gear do you need to allow this to happen?

Using Tech to Help Plan Your March Break Staycation

By Christine Persaud
Chances are that with uncertainty around the coronavirus, many families will be opting for a staycation this upcoming March Break. This means many a parent will be hitting their computers to Google terms like “what to do for March Break,” or “March Break local activities.” There are useful ways you can leverage tech to help figure out what to do while the kids are home from school and you’ve taken some time off work.

Samsung Electronics Declares “Age of Experience” at CES 2020

By Yasmin Ranade
Samsung Electronics announced the “Age of Experience” at the opening keynote at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES). As the featured keynote speaker, Samsung Consumer Electronics President and CEO H.S. Kim described how human-centric innovations will create personalized experiences that make life more “convenient, enjoyable, and meaningful.”

What Are The Most Hackable Tech Gifts?

By Christine Persaud
As we enter a new year, chances are many of you will continue to shop online as you seek out great post-holiday deals and prepare for upcoming birthdays and other celebrations that involve gift-giving. And cybercriminals are banking on this growing trend, planning to capitalize on these web-based purchases, and the growth in smart connected devices, to try and steal personal information.

Holidays Gifts to Boost Online Privacy, Secure Personal Data

By Lee Rickwood
In many ways, it is an outrage that online safety and security has to be purchased at all: yes, our personal information is very valuable and well worth protecting, but there are those who say we should be paid when others make use of our digital data, not that we should pay to protect our data from them.

AI: Job Threat or Promotion Opportunity?

By Yasmin Ranade
AI is ubiquitous. Businesses are swarming to develop and apply AI applications, in almost every industry. Are employees just as eager to embrace AI?