Tech Start-ups Supported by Cloud Tech
by Lee Rickwood
A new virtual destination has launched from Canada to help entrepreneurs and tech start-ups no matter where they’re based: locally, nationally or internationally.
by Lee Rickwood
A new virtual destination has launched from Canada to help entrepreneurs and tech start-ups no matter where they’re based: locally, nationally or internationally.
By Ted Kritsonis
Bluetooth earbuds are a growing subset of the headphone business, and with improving audio quality and battery life, this might be a good time to get a pair that can keep wires at bay while staying active.
This is a huge opportunity for dash-cam manufacturers and also for consumers who may want to upgrade security and have recording capability on their older vehicles without spending too much for the privilege.
by Lee Rickwood
The audience listened to a Bach violin sonata and watched as a computer-generated skeleton mirrored the way violinist was moving her arms, wrists and neck as she played.
By Ted Kritsonis
Canada’s biggest cable providers have run a full court press to stamp out Android-based set top boxes from the market, but are destined to lose in the end if radical changes aren’t made to how content distribution works.
Surface Book is an awkward outlier, a great idea with good intentions that could use some more refinement to be truly sensational. In terms of being a Surface tablet, it is certainly the most powerful one around and also the most spacious.
by Lee Rickwood
The International Olympic Committee, its Olympic Broadcast Services (OBS) production arm, and the rightsholder here in Canada, CBC/Radio Canada, plan to deliver up to 100 hours of Olympic coverage as live virtual reality (VR) and 360-degree video streams.
by Lee Rickwood
Community leaders and participatory democracy advocates in Rio hope that access to digital data and maps of surrounding neighborhoods will foster more interaction with and suggestions for city government officials.