Search Results for: smart technology

What’s On Tap for This Year According to CES 2020?

By Christine Persaud
The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the annual tradeshow for the consumer tech industry, kicks off every year in early January. After attending this year’s event, here’s a look at 5 big technologies and innovations that will shape 2020 and beyond.

Samsung Electronics Declares “Age of Experience” at CES 2020

By Yasmin Ranade
Samsung Electronics announced the “Age of Experience” at the opening keynote at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES). As the featured keynote speaker, Samsung Consumer Electronics President and CEO H.S. Kim described how human-centric innovations will create personalized experiences that make life more “convenient, enjoyable, and meaningful.”

Construction’s Smart Revolution

By Yasmin Ranade
Innovation and smart technology is fast becoming a staple in construction. Ramzi Jredini, CEO of construction hiring platform Handiss, believes the implementation of digitized construction will grow significantly in Canada, and provide environmental benefits as well as a significant return on investment for owners.

seated man and woman talking; woman wears electronic eyewear

Accessibility Tech: Creating a World without Barriers

by Lee Rickwood
Special hardware and software tools, collectively called assistive or accessibility technology, bring real value not just for the impacted individual but to the overall economy.

Mobile Tech Gifts for Those Who Are Always On The Go

By Christine Persaud
One thing everyone seeks out these days are devices that can help them stay connected and entertained on-the-go. And in some cases, devices that can make working on-the-go simpler as well. As you look for the perfect gift for the person who’s always on the go, whether for business or pleasure, here are some tech suggestions.

Holidays Gifts to Boost Online Privacy, Secure Personal Data

By Lee Rickwood
In many ways, it is an outrage that online safety and security has to be purchased at all: yes, our personal information is very valuable and well worth protecting, but there are those who say we should be paid when others make use of our digital data, not that we should pay to protect our data from them.