Tag: smartphone

2016 Mobile World Congress: Smartphone segment tries to redefine its future

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
While the flagship smartphone segment seems a bit fatigued, specially with more affordable and practical midrange smartphones being offered off contract and with great battery life, impressive camera technology and impressive features, we’re seeing giants of smartphone world kick it up a notch by revealing new and exciting models.

IF automates functions to make your smartphone smarter

By Ted Kritsonis

You may not know it, but some of your apps can communicate with each other without much thought put into it. Automated apps are capable of bringing together disparate elements of the connectivity you have and live with to create situations where one action can trigger an event or function, like uploading photos or turning on lights automatically.


Are Mobile Phone Sniffers in Use by Police Forces?

By Lee Rickwood
Incoming and outgoing calls as well as text messages can be monitored and recorded, encryption keys can be extracted, and all this can happen to one or several phones simultaneously, without an owner’s knowledge or permission.

How the mobile OS landscape changed in 2015

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

There’s certainly more to the mobile OS landscape today. A few years ago we had smartphone wars that focused on handsets and app ecosystems as well as the challenge of maintaining user loyalty and getting competing users to switch. All that has changed and in a big way.

Review: Athos wearable tech shirt and shorts

By Ted Kritsonis

Wearable technology has been driven mostly by fitness bands, smartwatches and other activity trackers, but clothing is also becoming a factor. Athos has come to market with a three-piece ensemble designed to measure muscle activation during workouts, pushing the data to an app that visualizes it all in real-time.

Review: Synology DiskStation DS216play

By Ted Kritsonis

Whether the concept of network attached storage (NAS) is familiar to you or you have no idea what it is, the usefulness of having such a device can pay dividends many times over. Synology is a stalwart in the category, and the DiskStation DS216play is designed to appeal to consumers of all stripes, simplifying its scope and purpose.

Camera shootout: Comparing the top smartphone cameras

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Innovation in cameras may seem to have stalled for point-and-shoots, ILC’s and DSLR’s which will never compare in size and portability to smartphones which are becoming the preferred way to shoot pictures.