New Technologies Capture and Combine Emotion, Reality and Storytelling
be Lee Rickwood
Immersive spatialized technologies transmit ideas and messages in powerful new ways. They can make “the human experience better.”
be Lee Rickwood
Immersive spatialized technologies transmit ideas and messages in powerful new ways. They can make “the human experience better.”
By Yasmin Ranade
Technology is playing a big part in eliminating inefficiencies in business travel, as well as empowering the businessperson who travels for work. How has technology disrupted business travel and business travel services? What are business travelers looking for and prioritizing these days?
by Lee Rickwood
The Office Suite’s core four programs can be supplemented with some 40 other apps that Zoho has developed or includes as part of its overall software as a service
By Ted Kritsonis
For Jennie Moore, making paper disappear through scanning to the cloud was key to running an accounting and auditing business.
By Christine Persaud
Canadian businesses realize the threat that data hacks – which have been coming fast and furious these days – present to their sensitive data. But companies also struggle with the best steps to take in order to protect that data, especially when it comes to new forms of data from emerging technologies like AI and machine learning.
By Yasmin Ranade
Investment in AI applications is giving Vancouver a boost with the creation of jobs and R&D in the city, I understand. With that in mind, I asked two technology leaders about the cautions and benefits of Vancouver’s growing AI scene.
By Christine Persaud
March 31 was known as World Backup Day, encouraging people to create back-ups of their most important files. Don’t rely on a single, local device, or even just the cloud, to protect your data, is the awareness goal. But use another personal digital storage locker of some kind.
by Lee Rickwood
The CRTC’s mobile wireless consultation will address today’s market realities, but also it hopes to tackle those of tomorrow.