Category: Business

Canada Needs a New Privacy Policy

Canada Needs a New Privacy Policy

by Lee Rickwood
Canada’s Annual Privacy Report includes recommendations for legislative reform and other solutions to help Canadians better control how their personal information is collected and used.

Copyright Consultations Cause Controversy in Canada

Copyright Consultations Cause Controversy in Canada

by Lee Rickwood
…[W]hile a debate about the copyright fees associated with downloading the latest tune from a successful music icon may seem self-serving if not socially irrelevant, the costs associated with getting a university degree can have much greater significance.

Data Privacy, NAFTA Negotiations, and the Canadian Cloud

Data Privacy, NAFTA Negotiations, and the Canadian Cloud

by Lee Rickwood
These days, both individual and institutional data needs to be available anywhere, anytime, and it needs to be safely and securely protected from any number of inappropriate or illegal actors.