Category: Business

Canada 150 Tech Tour: Quantum Changes Ahead for Your Life

Canada 150 Tech Tour: Quantum Changes Ahead for Your Life

by Lee Rickwood
Quantum theory seeks to describes the motion and interaction of the particles that exist inside the atom. Strangely, critically, almost incomprehensibly, some of those particles exist in multiple states at the same time!

Online Privacy and VPNs – Virtually Private or Very Porous Networks?

by Lee Rickwood
Virtual private networks promise enhanced security and privacy online. But let’s face it: any such offering is providing us with protection from a product or service that has no right to be dangerous in the first place. The unfettered growth and commercial potential of the Internet has given us products that are unsafe from the get-go. Are VPNs the answer?

Canadians' Privacy Trumped by American Agenda

Canadians’ Privacy Trumped by American Agenda

by Lee Rickwood
There’s “a significant gap in protection of Canadians’ personal information south of the border” and Canada’s Privacy Commissioner is asking how and why.